# ln -s /usr/java/jdkx /usr/java/latest.# ln -s /usr/java/jdkx.x.x_xx /usr/java/jdkx.# mv jdkx.x.x_xx /usr/java (or, if JRE, this will be the extracted JRE directory).# tar -xzvf jdk-xxx-linux-圆4.tar.gz (or whichever one you downloaded).Perform the following as root or using sudo:.For the JDK, get jdk-xxx-linux-圆4.tar.gz if you have a 64-bit machine or if 32-bit.For the JRE, get jre-xxx-linux-圆4.tar.gz if you have a 64-bit machine or if 32-bit.

Download JRE 7 (or JDK 7 if you want to develop) from.They are more trouble than they're worth, and always way behind the latest updates. Ignore (and uninstall) any JREs or JDKs bundled with / shipped with your distribution.I recently had to install Java 7 on CentOS, openSUSE and Ubuntu, and after much fretting and research, finally settled on this, which works on all three flavors: