To do so, first open Finder, then Applications, and click on Time Machine to continue. You can then restore your data from a Time Machine snapshot. They all can be backed up by Time Machine. Photos, videos, documents, applications, system files, accounts, preferences, messages, you name it. So, what kind of data does Time Machine backup? Everything! Once you have a timely backup, it’s incredibly easy to restore all or part of your data in case of accidental deletion or a hard drive crash. And the app is created and recommended by Apple.

Time Machine is the easiest way to back up Mac. In the Preferences Pane, you’ll see the app located between “Date & Time” and “Accessibility”. To find it, click on the Apple logo on the top left corner of your screen, then select System Preferences. Time Machine is a built-in app within macOS ever since OS X 10.5. If you want to back up your Mac data without using Time Machine, there are also other third-party Mac backup software worth considering. Please note that the backup tool that I used is Time Machine, a built-in app provided by Apple. You may also be interested in taking a look at the macOS Catalina slow issues we encountered during that process just in case you also want to upgrade your Mac to the latest operating system. I did this several weeks ago while preparing my MacBook Pro for a system update. You should back up your Mac on a regular basis, especially if you’re planning to perform macOS updates. In this article, I’m going to show you how to back up your Mac data to an external drive. If you read my previous post about how to format an external drive for Mac, you know that I bought a 2TB Seagate Expansion external hard drive and managed to create two partitions on the disk - one for Mac backup purposes, and the other for personal use.